Tel: 07896 313 038
within 12
miles from
Quality Seasoned Hard
and Softwood logs
Matt’s Logs are all sustainably sourced logs from the Pevensey area of East Sussex. All logs are barn seasoned in Vented bags over the summer months and delivered to your door free of charge.
Matt's Seasoned Hardwood - 1m3
These are seasoned hardwood logs that have an average moisture content of 17%. Seasoned ash is available, ideal for open fires and wood burners. Your logs are delivered in vented bags which hold 1m3 of loose logs and can be stacked for a small fee. Two length of log are available at either; 9 or 13 inches. 100% British and are naturally air dried.
Matt's Best Deal
- 2m3
Stock up on two cubic meters of hardwood to see you through the cold winter months and make a saving when you buy multiple bags. Further discounts are available if you buy more than 2 bags.
Sold Out Matt's Seasoned Chestnut - 1m3
Matt's Chestnut is suitable for wood burners and not open fires. Chestnut burns a bit faster than hard wood but with a good heat. Average moisture content is under 20% and available in 9 inch logs
£110- Sold Out
Large Bags of
Matt's kindling is made from carpentry off cuts so is extremely dry and not treated with any chemicals. We recommend 1 bag of kindling to every bag of logs.
Further discount for bulk orders!
Please call Matt's logs on
07896 313 038 or email